Studio flat FOR SALE next to Corvin sétány

30 sqm studio with full galery is flat for sale in Leonardo da Vinci street, next to Corvin sétány. The apartment is on the downstairs. Common cost is 12 000 HUF and utility is very low.

A renovation inside in the building has been started and supposed to be finished this year till summer.

Great investment, after a renovation can be rent out for foreigners with a high price. Great location, with all main universities in a short walking distance, a lot of shopping and entertainment possibilities as well as excellent transportation Metro3 and Tram 4-6 right outside your door step. The famous Semmelweis medical University is only 10 minutes walk and the BME and Óbudai Egyetem is nearby. The popular Corvin sétány is next to the building. Many restaurants and cafes nearby.

Newly built 2-bedroom FOR SALE in Kőris Corner Residence

For sale: a new, bright, partially furnished two-bedroom apartment (located on the 5th floor) in a dynamically developing area of District VIII, behind Corvin Promenade, located at the corner of Illés and Kőris Streets in the Kőris Corner building, which was completed in 2024.


The apartment has a total area of 68 sqm and includes a 4 sqm balcony. The modern, built-in kitchen furniture is included in the price, and additional furniture can be arranged based on prior agreement. The orientation is south, facing to the inside garden.


On the top floor of the building, residents can enjoy a sauna, jacuzzi, and a spacious terrace offering panoramic views of Gellért Hill. There is 24hours reception at the entrance so is guarantee the safety. This is an ideal choice for those who want to live in the heart of the city but still desire a peaceful environment. It is also a great investment for long- or short-term rentals, particularly due to the proximity of Semmelweis University and Óbuda University, making it easily rentable to foreign students (currently around 1100 euros per month).


Transportation is excellent: there are several trolley, bus, and tram stops nearby, and the M3 metro station at Semmelweis Klinikai Square is just a 10-minute walk away.

Don’t miss this opportunity, only a few apartments are still available in the building!

Newly built 3-bedroom FOR SALE in Kőris Corner Residence

For sale: a new, bright, partially furnished two-bedroom apartment (located on the 5th floor) in a dynamically developing area of District VIII, behind Corvin Promenade, located at the corner of Illés and Kőris Streets in the Kőris Corner building, which was completed in 2024.


The apartment has a total area of 78,4 sqm and includes a 9,7 sqm balcony. The modern, built-in kitchen furniture is included in the price, and additional furniture can be arranged based on prior agreement. The orientation is south, facing to the inside garden.


On the top floor of the building, residents can enjoy a sauna, jacuzzi, and a spacious terrace offering panoramic views of Gellért Hill. There is 24hours reception at the entrance so is guarantee the safety. This is an ideal choice for those who want to live in the heart of the city but still desire a peaceful environment. It is also a great investment for long- or short-term rentals, particularly due to the proximity of Semmelweis University and Óbuda University, making it easily rentable to foreign students (currently around 1100 euros per month).


Transportation is excellent: there are several trolley, bus, and tram stops nearby, and the M3 metro station at Semmelweis Klinikai Square is just a 10-minute walk away.

Don’t miss this opportunity, only a few apartments are still available in the building!

Newly built one-bedroom FOR SALE in Kőris Corner Building

For sale: a new, bright, partially furnished one-bedroom apartment (located on the 5th floor) in a dynamically developing area of District VIII, behind Corvin Promenade, located at the corner of Illés and Kőris Streets in the Kőris Corner building, which was completed in 2024.


The apartment has a total area of 51 sqm and includes a 4.6 sqm balcony. The modern, built-in kitchen furniture is included in the price, and additional furniture can be arranged based on prior agreement. The orientation is south-west.


On the top floor of the building, residents can enjoy a sauna, jacuzzi, and a spacious terrace offering panoramic views of Gellért Hill. There is 24hours reception at the entrance so is guarantee the safety. This is an ideal choice for those who want to live in the heart of the city but still desire a peaceful environment. It is also a great investment for long- or short-term rentals, particularly due to the proximity of Semmelweis University and Óbuda University, making it easily rentable to foreign students (currently around 700-800 euros per month).


Transportation is excellent: there are several trolley, bus, and tram stops nearby, and the M3 metro station at Semmelweis Klinikai Square is just a 10-minute walk away.

Don’t miss this opportunity, only a few apartments are still available in the building!

5 hálószobás eladó Teréz körút mellett

Felújítva, teljesen berendezett, 89 négyzetméter 5 hálószobás földszinti lakás eladó a belvárosban, a Teréz körúthoz közel a VII. kerületi Szövetség utcában, a New York kávézó közelében.
➥ 2017 májusában felújított, teljesen berendezett és felszerelt. Az ár tartalmazza az összes berendezési tárgyat és felszerelést.
➥ 5 különálló hálószoba (mind ugyanolyan stílusúak ; négyzetméterek: 16, 13, 12, 11, 10) + konyha és étkezőasztalok + 2 fürdőszoba ( minden fürdőszobában 1 zuhanyzó + 1 WC).
➥ Minden hálószoba és fürdőszoba ablakkal rendelkezik.
A közös költség 23 710 Ft.
A helyszín nagyszerű:
   - Állatorvosi Egyetem (Szent István Egyetem), McDaniel College: 7 perc gyalog
   - BME, ELTE, CEU, Corvinus, Semmelweis : 15 perc tömegközlekedéssel
   - 6 perc: (24/7 a városon keresztül), piros metróvonal (2) és a Blaha Lujza sok buszjárattal.
   - 5 perc: Szupermarketek, éttermek, bárok, non-stop üzletek, pékség, edzőtermek, gyógyszertár és minden.
Nagyszerű befektetés Budapest belvárosában bérbeadási célokra, magas bérleti díjjal kiadható diákoknak és külföldieknek.

Tágas stúdió ELADÓ panorámás kilátással Budán Orbánhegyen

Apartman örök panoráma Budapesten.

Stílusos, tágas és nagyon világos stúdió apartman által tervezett interier designer beépített bútorokkal, sok tárolóval, különleges megjelenéssel, egyedi megoldásokkal eladó a Budai-hegységben. Orbánhegy, erkéllyel és lenyűgöző panorámával. A lakás keleti tájolású, így mindig sok napfényt. Nagy ablakok nyílnak a városra, kilátás nyílik a Margit hídtól a Lágymányosi hídig, de jó időben a Mátra és a Bükk is látható. A nagyméretű egyedi 3 rétegű fa ajtókon és ablakokon a redőnyök automatizáltak. Egyedi biztonsági fa bejárati ajtó, JUNG konnektorok és kapcsolók.

A lakás a 3. emeleten van, és még mindig nincs lift.

A közös költség 18 000 Ft, amely tartalmazza a vízhasználatot. A hasznosság nagyon alacsony. Fűtés légkondicionálóval kiváló.

A házhoz tartozik egy közös, nagy napozóterasz, villany- és vízcsatlakozással, amely a legfelső emeleten lévő lakáshoz kapcsolódik. Van egy 3 négyzetméteres tárolás a pincében. A parkolás ingyenes az épület mellett.


A tömegközlekedés jó, a megálló 110-es és 112-es busz a bejárati ajtó másik oldalán található, és velük 15 percen belül elérheti a városközpontot. Nagyon csendes és zöld terület, sok lehetőséggel a sport szabadidős tevékenységek.

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